Harry Dent Demographics

Harry Dent Economy and MarketsHarry Dent is a renowned economist who wants you to survive and thrive through the next financial meltdown, he provides daily updates via his newsletter Economy and Markets. Harry Dent and his team use demographics to predict the future by analysing your spending patterns throughout your life time to assess which part of the economy will be in boom or bust.

Harry Dent was born in South Carolina in 1950 and has an MBA from Harvard Business School.  His newsletter Economy and Markets focuses on results from years of research into generational spending patterns. Harry calls this “Spending Wave Theory”.

Financial commentators from around the world call on Harry Dent to appear on their shows when financial markets start to melt down. His comments are clearly sought out when turmoil strikes. Many economists and commentators also ridicule his current negative outlook for the world economy.

I have personally met Harry Dent, and I can tell you he is so passionate about his research and completely believes in his predictions resulting from a life time of studying spending patterns and bubbles.

Harry has written 11 books over a number of years, the two most recent being the “Demographic Cliff” and “The sale of a Life Time” which was released in September 2016. If you read all of these books, you know Harry knows something about how the real economy works and how demographics shape the world.

This was clearly demonstrated by Harry Dents prediction that Japan would enter a long slow economic decline resulting in the collapse of Japan’s real estate market. The final trigger for this was the stock market crash of 1987. If my memory serves me correctly, some apartments bought just before the collapse are still worth less than they were purchased for, some 30 years later. That’s a bubble !

The recent prediction of Oil falling to about $30US a barrel was spot on. Harry Dent made this prediction based on his study of bubbles and what happens when resources are misallocated. In this case we are talking about cheap money finding it’s way into the hands of US Oil fracking companies.

To quote Harry “Bubbles Don’t Correct, They Burst”. His current prediction that we are in the greatest debt bubble in history and it’s on the cusp of bursting.  Look out when it does as it will destroy the value of your shares, real estate, bonds etc faster than you think possible.

To be critical Harry has been predicting this for a while now and he keeps pushing out the time of this event. However, he is convinced it will happen. On the other hand predicting the timing is made much harder by the unprecedented amounts of money Central Banks are pumping into the world economy. It maybe just possible, Central Banks have kicked the can down the road and created a far worse bubble to burst and the result much more serve on every-day people like you and I.

Checkout Harry Dents Economy and Markets as he touches on so many financial aspects which could impact on your wealth creation.

Lessons to be learnt from Harry Dents research is to be in the right place at the right time. 

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