Financial Knowledge

Summer Days Financial Knowledge

Financial Freedom means different things to different people, some just want to be able to buy a new fridge and put a little money away each week after paying the bills, others want to own their own house while the ultimate freedom would be the ability to do what you want when you want.

No matter what your take on Financial Freedom is your Financial Knowledge is the key to achieving freedom. If you want to learn how to use your mind and not your brawn to achieve your dreams then I recommend you start learning how money works in the real world and how to distinguish between good advice and blah blah blah.

Remember those advisers who sold CDOs which were backed by so called triple A mortgages, but in fact were worthless Subprime mortgages. Do you think the advisers had your best interests at heart or focused on their own commission income returns.

Government policies across the world are generally designed to get the masses into debt, keep them in debt, so as to make it easier to control them via policy decisions. One of the consequences of these policies has been the ability of the super rich to use such policies to their advantage to transfer a staggering amount of wealth to the top 1% in society at the expense of the other 99%.

We are now also seeing the emergence of a new world of work, the self employed “Freelancer” . In this new world, prospective freelancers compete for micro jobs with thousands of other freelancers. This model is a classic survival of the fittest with no minimal wage or benefits attached.

Click the button below to start learning as you will need to use all your financial knowledge and street smarts to survive the future.

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